Monday, April 8, 2013

Securitization of Solar Power

Alright guys, I think we should tackle a subject that can be confusing, but definitely has huge implications for the U.S. solar industry.  We are talking about the securitizing of solar.  I surfed the solar world the past couple days and found a lot of talk about the securitizing of solar PV assets. 

“Huh? What the heck does that mean”, you may be asking yourself. First, the basics.  To securitize something means to create an investment instrument, an investment product, that can be bought and sold.  This investment instrument is used to raise funds for a particular purpose and those funds can be raised from the public.

To securitize solar would mean to make solar projects an investment open to the public in ways that are not happening now.  The solar securitization effort is being led by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).  They have created the Solar Access to Public Capital (SAPC) working group to explore the issue.  Is that enough acronyms in one paragraph for ya??

Alright, I gotta get technical on you for a hot second, so bear with me.  The SAPC’s main focus is on the securitization of Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), solar leases and other contracts relevant to the deploying of commercial and residential solar systems.  In order to do this, the solar industry would have to have a standardized PPA contracts and lease contracts, and develop comprehensive, standardized data sheets so investors can assess the solar system performance as well as credit default risks for PPA host.  Just like the stock market has standardized information filing systems for public companies so investors can review to make an investment decision, solar securitization would require something similar.

So, what is the point of all this? Easy answer: access to more money, or if you want fancy wording, access to more capital.  By securitizing solar, individual investors or groups or companies can all get involved with solar and be able to invest in projects.  So, if solar was securitized, you could seek out opportunities to invest in large PPA’s or other projects easier than you could now.  It has the potential democratize, to revolutionize, the solar industry.  We are talking about opening the solar doors to hundreds of millions, billions of dollars of investment potential.

Solar investment opportunities for all, so to speak.

Alright everyone, I hope I helped shine a little sunlight on this topic for you.  When we have more solar securitization developments, I will make sure to let you know.

Alas, I must leave you now, I gotta get back to solar surfing for the next blog!

Stay Solar,